Van De Graaff Generator - Large with FREE Accessory Set [0495]

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suitable for KS3+. This full size Generator consists of a conducting sphere (the dome) supported by a plexiglass pillar and a rubber belt driven by an electric motor concealed in the metal base. The electric motor is driven from the mains supply. The base is fitted with a 4mm socket which can be used either for supporting a conducting sphere (fitted with a cranked rod support) or for a wire connection to a separate conducting sphere (fitted on a plexiglass rod). A blue cover is provided to keep the Van de Graaff free from dust when not in use. Spare belt available separately. Diameter of Generator Dome: 220mm. Overall dimensions: 350mm width, x 340mm depth x 900mm height. Weight 8.55kg. Operating Voltage: 220 to 240V AC (with 5A cartridge fuse), Dome Capacitance: (approx) 15pF, Maximum (intermittent) current: (approx) 6μA, Maximum Spark Length: (approx) 50mm, Diameters of Conducting Spheres: 100mm