suitable for KS3+. 23 slides covering Histology of Humans and Mammals HISTOLOGY OF HUMAN AND MAMMALS: Epithelium and connective tissues: Loose connective tissue, rabbit. Hyaline cartilage section, rabbit. Hard bone grinding, human. Muscle types,striated, smooth, heart muscle, dog. Tendon l.s. (Dense connective tissue), dog.
Isolated cells from mouth, smear. Skin section through hair follicle, human. Stratified flat epithelium, sec. dog. Respiratory, circulation and endocrine system: Trachea rabbit, c.s. Artery and vein c.s. rabbit. Blood smear human, Giemsma coloured Digestive system: Stomach wall, dog, section. Small intestine, dog, c.s. Liver, pig, section
Urinary and genital system: Injected kidney rabbit, sec. Kidney rat, sec. cortex & medulla. Testis rabbit, c.s. Ovary rabbit with developed eggs. Sperm human, smear. Human
chromosomes in blood, male. Human chromosomes in blood, female Nervous system and sensory organs: Nerve, rabbit, c.s. and l.s. Cerebrum section, dog. Spinal cord, rabbit, c.s. Taste buds, rabbit, l.s. Retina, rabbit, sec. Set of 23.